
Over human history, war has been documented since people tend to conflict over territories and control of resources. Over centuries, was became an integral element in demonstrating strength and poweramong states and plays a significant role in the international system. The paper looks into the impact of technology on warfare by focusing on elements like autonomous vehicles, ethical conflicts posed by autonomous vehicles, the proliferation of war and human suffering, and stealth technology and aerial combat. Technologyplays a significant role in modern warfare due to new approaches to making, moving, and concealing military equipment. In addition to improvements in weaponry, technology has played another important role, forcing the military leadership to develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures to be able to reduce or negate the advantages of intelligent weapons. There has also been the proliferation of war and displacement of people. Cyberwars and aerial combat have taken a new shape where the latter uses stealth technology to avoid detectionand launch surprise attacks on enemies. The advent of stealth technology, as well as sophisticated guidance capabilities, has helped reducing collateral damage, nevertheless, it has also led to more human suffering, as shown by nuclear weapons, autonomous vehicles, and deadlier arsenal.

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