
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of technology and digital Innovation in the different sectors of the UAE. The study investigates the influence of technology in supporting Innovation and entrepreneurial activity among expatriates using a qualitative research technique. Rich qualitative data is obtained through several case studies and semi-structured interviews, offering insights into expatriates' perspectives, problems, and solutions interacting with technology improvements.
 Methodology: This research investigates how technology and digital innovation affect expat growth and entrepreneurship in the UAE. It investigates the transformational influence of technology via qualitative approaches such as case studies and interviews, highlighting accomplishments and obstacles. The study adds to theory and practice by proposing methods for a more inclusive and innovative ecology.
 Findings: The study's findings underscore technology's transformative role in expatriate growth and entrepreneurship in the UAE. The nation's commitment to research, innovation culture, and startup support has led to technology's integration across sectors. Notable success stories showcase innovation-driven startups reshaping traditional industries. Alongside these benefits, the study uncovers challenges such as the digital divide, data privacy concerns, and the imperative for ongoing skill development in the face of swift technological advancements. This highlights the need for a holistic approach to harnessing technology's potential for sustainable growth and inclusivity.
 Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The significant contribution of this study is its thorough examination of the intricate link between technology, Innovation, and expatriate growth in the UAE. The study dives into the complexities of how technology-driven efforts affect expatriate entrepreneurs, providing findings that add to theoretical knowledge and practical implementations. The study's findings provide recommendations for establishing an inclusive and technologically sophisticated ecosystem that includes digital literacy efforts, diversified innovation support systems, and continual skill development. These findings have ramifications for policymakers, practitioners, and scholars who want to understand the intricacies of technology innovation and how it affects expatriate involvement in the private sector and entrepreneurship. This could be linked to the theory of disruptive Innovation, as the adoption of theories could lead to a promising economic future for the country.

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