
Supportive supervision of infection prevention and control (IPC) practices was one of a range of interventions employed at the county level in the control of the world's most deadly Ebola virus disease outbreak that affected Liberia during 2013-2016. Datasets generated from four consecutive assessment visits to 25 health facilities in Maryland County, in Liberia, were analysed. Information on IPC practices was obtained by interview, direct observation and completion of a standardised assessment tool. For each of the IPC fields assessed, a score < 50% was graded poor, 50-75% as fair, while > 75% was rated as good. Before the intervention, the first assessment (baseline) indicated that the majority of the health facilities scored low in terms of isolation facilities, IPC administration, supply and equipment, personnel and staffing, triage and waste management. Following the application of supportive supervision and monitoring, all the facilities recorded moderate to good performance in all the fields during the fourth round of assessment, except for isolation facilities, which scored low. Supportive supervision and monitoring of healthcare facilities appeared to have contributed to the improvement in IPC standards and compliance during the Ebola outbreak as demonstrated in this small-scale study and should be sustained as a core component of IPC programs, particularly in prolonged outbreak situations.

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