
With the increasing popularity and use of social media, more and more people are shopping online and relying more on online reviews and recommendations. This trend not only changes the consumer behavior pattern, but also has a huge impact on the traditional retail industry. This article delves into the complex relationship between social media and consumer behavior. With the rapid development of digital technology, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and has a huge impact on the purchasing decisions we make. The report explores this impact in a number of ways, including social impact, personalization, the role of advertising, and the rise of social commerce. To sum up, this paper delves into the complex relationship between social media and consumer behavior. While social media has a positive impact on providing a platform for information and interaction, there are also some negatives that we should be wary of. At the same time, we should recognize that online consumerism is rapidly evolving and adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by this emerging field

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