
Abstract South Africa is a water scarce country with minimal natural forests. Plantation forest species such as the Mexican tropical hard pine, Pinus patula Schiede & Deppe ex Schltdl. & Cham., was introduced into the country to satisfy local fibre demand. Today, the majority of pine plantations in South Africa are found in the Mpumalanga province. The province has diverse growing conditions in relation to climate and soil properties. Sample plots were established in even-aged P. patula plantations and stratified according to soil parent material and altitude. Growing conditions of each sample plot were characterised according to climate and soil properties. A total of 540 sample trees were measured for height, diameter, density, and latewood content. The sample trees were harvested to produce 2690 logs. The logs were milled, and the resultant lumber was graded according to density, dynamic modulus of elasticity, and modulus of rupture. Annual maximum temperature had the most significant impact on tree growth, while rainfall correlated with wood density and latewood content of standing trees. However, annual maximum temperature and tree height had a negative relationship with the recovered lumber properties and dimensional stability. Spring rainfall appeared to be the most important factor influencing lumber twist and this was possibly due to the associated larger juvenile core present in the trees.

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