
Field experiments were conducted in Starkville and Stoneville, MS, during 2012 and 2013 to evaluate fruit removal level and timing on soybean growth, crop maturity, and yield. Fruit removal treatments consisted of 0, 50, and 100% of all fruit removed at specified growth stages (R2, R3, R4, and R5.5). Plant heights were determined at least biweekly from the time damage was imposed until R7. The impact of fruit removal level and timing on crop maturity was determined by estimating the percentage of naturally abscised leaves at 137 days after planting (DAP) when control plots were ∼10-15 d from harvest and the percentage of nonsenesced main stems at 139 DAP. There was no significant impact of fruit removal timing or fruit removal level on plant height or canopy width. Significant delays in crop maturity were observed when fruit removal was imposed at the R5.5 growth stage. Significant reductions in yield and crop value were observed as early as R3 and R4 when 100% of fruit was removed. Both fruit removal levels at R5.5 resulted in a significant reduction in yield and crop value compared with the nontreated control. Indeterminate soybeans appear to have the ability to compensate for some fruit loss during the early to middle reproductive growth stages without delaying maturity. However, severe fruit loss causes increasingly more yield loss as the plant approached maturity. Thresholds and economic injury levels therefore need to be adjusted accordingly to account for the dynamic nature of yield losses and crop maturity delays.

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