
SARS-CoV-2 is a new respiratory virus causing COVID-19. After the first infections were reported in late 2019, soon thereafter, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everybody’s lives forever. Interestingly, the COVID-19 disease has been found to act quite differently from respiratory viruses. Researchers have discovered that COVID-19 also affects the central nervous system, specifically the brain. Unlike other respiratory viruses, SARS-CoV-2 can affect the central nervous system and so patients with COVID-19 are neurologically compromised. Several studies have focused on these alarming neurological consequences, which, in turn can affect an individual’s day to day to life. These effects include the disruption of a person’s ability to smell and taste, a reduction of grey matter in certain brain areas, as well as blockage of cranial blood flow. Surprisingly, there have been limited systematic reviews on these various neurological impacts. This review paper will investigate how COVID-19 affects brain function, specifically focusing on the impact on olfaction, gustation, blood flow, and gray matter volume.

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