
This work analyzed the amount of capillary-trapped CO2 for maximum residual gas saturation due to relative permeability hysteresis. Upward migration of CO2 is unwanted because it increases the risk of CO2 migration from storage sites to the surface. One way to mitigate CO2 leakage risk is to reduce the vertical CO2 migration to improved storage capacity and containment security. A compositional simulator (CMG-GEM) was used to simulate the flow of two components (CO2 and H2 O). A fluid model was built with the PR 78 EOS using WINPROP. A base case model without relative permeability hysteresis was simulated and compared with the case with relative permeability hysteresis. The amount of CO2 trapped, and CO2 saturation distribution were analyzed for maximum trapped gas saturation of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. Results shows an increase in the amount of CO2 trapped as the maximum residual gas saturation was increased from 0.3 to 0.4 and 0.5 with a value of 16560128mol for the base case study, 49041744mol, 59502924mol and 67286728mol respectively for maximum residual gas saturation due to relative permeability hysteresis of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 respectively. Very little accumulation of CO2 occurs when the maximum trapped gas saturation due to relative permeability hysteresis was set at 0.5. Result reveals that after 200 years, almost all the CO2 was trapped in the formation. Therefore, the imbibition cycle at the trailing end of the CO2 plume should be considered as accounting for hysteresis effects has led to a spread-out distrib

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