
Psychological safety is a critical factor in shaping the work environment, as it affects employees' willingness to take risks, share ideas, and engage in open communication. Its impact on leadership decision-making is of particular interest, as decision-making plays a crucial role in organizational success. This research paper aims to investigate the relationship between psychological safety and leader decision- making through an empirical analysis. By utilizing secondary research data, this study seeks to explore the influence of psychological safety on leadership decision-making and highlight its implications for organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. To begin, it is important to understand what psychological safety entails. Psychological safety refers to the perception of individuals that they can speak up, take risks, and express their thoughts and ideas without fear of negative consequences. It creates an environment where employees feel psychologically secure, fostering trust, collaboration, and innovation. This paper aims to delve into how psychological safety affects the work environment and why it is crucial for organizational success.

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