
The increasing production of energy by man has begun to modify significantly the environment that the earth naturally offers man. At first the environmental effects were local, l imited to cities and industrial zones. In recent years , how­ ever, cities and industries have grown rapidly and they extend now over consid­ erable areas, so that man's influence on the environment has become regional. The increasing amount of available energy has also led to modifications in the environment that merely a few generations ago were not even thought to be possible. Modern forestry , agriculture , exploitation of hydropower, construc­ tion of roads, and mining often imply very significant changes of the natural environment over large areas . The question to what extent the climate of the earth is being i nfluenced by increasing e nergy production2 obviously represents an important aspect of the total enviro nmental problem. We c an distinguish three principal ways in which man i nfluences the c limate . l . All e nergy that modern civilization uses sooner or later is transformed i nto heat that may influence the climate . 2. When energy is being produced, man changes the physical, chemical , and biological processes that together shape the climate of the earth. 3. With the aid of the very l arge amounts of energy becoming available, man is able to change the natural environment and thereby also possibly the climate .

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