
This study aimed to find out the impact of physical activity in development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills of the physical education students. All male and female physical education students at northern Panjab were the population of current study. Thus, there is dire need to carry-out pragmatic research on theme of sports education and its relationship with cognitive and non-cognitive skills. The Likert scale was used for data collection which cover all aspect of sports and validity and reliability was done accordingly. The collected data was then put into SPSS to tabulate and arrange the data to attain the desired results. Findings of this study revealed that the score of participants and non-participants at both ends between male and female was different. Findings further revealed that the physical activity played a partial role between sports, cognitive and non-cognitive skills among youth of physical education. The physical activity was tested positive and significant in relationship with sports and cognitive skills. This study thus confirmed the significant connection between physical activity and sports in-between cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

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