
The object of this research is to examine the elements that influence students’ behavioral intention towards using a Cloud Classroom App (CCA) platform in China. In this study, Partial least squares (PLS) analysis is adopted to analyze the data collected from 998 students in Guangzhou. The empirical data reveal that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and personal innovativeness in information technology positively affect students’ behavioral intention toward using a CCA platform to obtain knowledge. Moreover, effort expectancy has a partially mediating effect between personal innovativeness in information technology and performance expectancy, and performance expectancy also as a mediator variable partially affects the relationship between personal innovativeness in information technology and behavior intention, effort expectancy and behavior intention, respectively. The results of the multi-group analysis show that there are significant differences in the use of a CCA platform for learning between the junior students (year 1) and senior students (years 2 & 3). This study makes several recommendations to the CCA platform managers to make improvements to the design of the CCA platform.

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