
AbstractThe costs of deviant behavior in the workplace can go far beyond direct financial losses, and may result in lost business opportunities, damage to the brand, and the loss of market position. However, there has been little research into the influence of ethical climate types on workplace deviance. India's IT industry now makes a substantial contribution to the country's GDP, exports, and employment; hence, the goal of this study is to explore the impact of perceived ethical climate types on workplace deviance in the Indian IT industry. Using data from a survey of 158 IT professionals working in Hyderabad, India, the study presents an analysis of workplace deviance using four ethical climate types, principled, benevolent, efficiency oriented, and profit oriented. The study shows that principled and benevolent climate types have a significant negative association with workplace deviance, while efficiency and profit‐oriented climate types have a significant positive association. The results support the idea that perceived ethical climate types can be leveraged to help contain the threat of deviant behavior in the workplace.

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