People who do not have capital and assets really expect a loan without interest. However, it is almost impossible for financial institutions to disburse loans without interest. They eventually became entangled in loan sharks to get a capital loan which caused them to live in riba for years. This is the background of the Yayasan Baitul Maal (YBM) PLN present in the midst of the community through the Pesantren Merapi Merbabu Community by launching the Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat (PPEU) in the form of farm capital loans without riba. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact assessment of Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat. This research uses quantitative methods through filling out questionnaires by 83 beneficiaries and the qualitative method was carried out by interviews and Focuss Group Discusions. Program impact evaluation is measured using SLIA (Sustainable Livelihood Impact Assessment) and MSC (Most Significant Change). The results of the study showed that beneficiaries were very satisfied with the “Farm Capital Loan without riba" program they received with an average score of 86%. Meanwhile the results of the evaluation from 5 aspects SLIA are as follows: the economic aspect increases by 0.5, the social aspect rises by 0.6, the da'wah aspect rises by 2.0, the spiritual aspect rises by 1.4, and the human resource aspect rises by 0.8. The results of this study are expected to recommendation for relevant stakeholders in order to optimize the community's economic improvement program.
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