
This research examined a literary work titled Things You Save in a Fire, written by KatherineCenter. The novel tells the story of a female firefighter named Cassie Hanwell who facessexual assault and workplace gender discrimination. There were two research questionsaddressed in this study. The first question aimed to find the depiction of patriarchal practicesin the novel, namely the sexual assault and workplace gender discrimination experienced byCassie Hanwell. The second question examined the impact of sexual assault and workplacegender discrimination on Cassie Hanwell. This literary analysis applied a qualitative researchapproach by selecting and grouping the data for analysis. To answer the two researchquestions, theories of patriarchy, feminism, character, and characterization were applied. Thedata sources were books and journal articles. The results of the study showed the impact ofpatriarchal practices on Cassie Hanwell. After the sexual assault and gender discrimination atthe workplace, Cassie becomes lonesome and skeptical. She also turns into a paranoid andaggressive person and suppresses her feelings.

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