
The purpose of this topic is to study the positive and negative impacts of the internet and media on LGBTQ people. This is because, with China's rapid development, the speed and breadth of information dissemination in social platforms and media is increasing. More and more sexual minority young people are participating in discussions on social media, sharing their lives, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and expressing their views and opinions. However, the fact that the phenomenon of verbal violence continues to affect the LGBTQ community while providing vulnerable groups with access to information, knowledge, resources and empowerment cannot be ignored. This study conducted interviews with a random sample of LGBTQ people in different regions of China in order to analyse the positive and negative messages about LGBTQ people on the internet from a more humane perspective. The results of the interviews also illustrate the harm caused by verbal harassment and violence to the LGBTQ community. Some LGBTQ people, when faced with such unequal treatment, will rise and fight back, expressing their dissatisfaction and fighting for their rights through self-empowerment in the form of words or behaviours. The dominant mindset is to avoid such harm and discuss and entertain it in their social communities.

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