
D. stramonium is a wild plant species belonging to the nightshade family Solanaceae and grows on the edges of cotton fields, empty lands and roadsides. The plant is one of the most important economic weed plants that contain both toxic and medicinal properties. Studies have shown that the plant contains toxic tropane alkaloids such as atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. It is known that cultivation techniques have a great influence on the quality and quantity of secondary metabolites. For this reason, it is important to determine the optimal values of the agronomic factors that influence plant growth and production. This study was conducted in the experimental area of the Agricultural Faculty of Dicle University in the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons so as to evaluate the impact of nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1) on some agronomical characteristics such as fresh and dry herb yield and total alkaloid content of Datura (Datura stramonium L.). The results revealed that significant (P?0.05) differences were observed between nitrogen doses in the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in terms of seed yield, fresh and dry herb yield and total alkaloid yield of seeds. However, seed yield changed between 545 kg ha-1 and 625 kg ha-1, fresh herb yield between 8000 and 24483 kg ha-1, dry herb yield between 2190 kg ha-1 and 5083 kg ha-1 and alkaloid content between 0.259% and 0.366%, respectively. The results showed that fresh and dry herb yields increased with increasing nitrogen doses.

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