
The existence of mining activities is aimed at improving the welfare of society, especially the mine circle society. Mining activities have been changed based on the three parameters of sustainable development, i.e. economic, social, and environmental. On the economic and social parameters, they have interactions that have a potential impact on influencing the change of mine circumference behavior which is closely related to the existence of the mine circle society itself. The methodology used in this study is the literature review based on existing studies and a brief observation around the mine. The observation technique is carried out by a random selection of respondents (random sampling) with a confidence number of 95%. The analysis results show that there are three types of behavioral changes that occur, namely natural change, planned change, and willingness to change. The factors influencing the behavioral change in the community around the mine areas, especially external factors, are education, religion, culture, environment, and socio-economic. The behavioral changes and factors affecting these changes can be used as a foundation for a mining company to develop community empowerment programs as part of good mining practices. The good mining practices will facilitate the mining company to get a social license to operate.

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