
Background: Cognitive skills play a vital role in all aspects of cognitive tasks, including verbal information exchange, greater understanding of reading, motivation, verbal understanding, writing, attention, solving problems and social cognition. Aim of this study: To examine the effectiveness of metacognitive skills educational program on metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy, and skillsofproblem solving among nursing students at the Faculty of Nursing ZagazigUniversity. Subjects: Asimple random sample (n= 70) of nursing students enrolled in fourthacademic year 2019-2020. Tools of data collection: A questionnaire sheet was used for collection of dataincluding four parts: 1) Personal characteristics of the nursing students, 2) Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI), 3) General Self-efficacy Scale, and 4) The problem solving skills inventory. Results: revealed that there were statistically significant strong correlations between students’ metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy, and skills of problem solving after the educational program. Conclusion: Metacognitive skills educational program had positive influence in improving students' metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy, and skills of problem solving. Recommendations: Encourage nursing educators to develop the self-efficacy and skills of problemsolving of the students by placing clear strategies to enhance learning and embedding them in the different courses. Infuse training courses dealing with metacognitive thinking skills, with paying attention to the development of metacognitive thinking skills during all academic years.

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