
ABSTRACT The umbrella phrase ‘medical negligence’ has gained popularity for describing wrongdoings committed by medical personnel while practicing their trade and interacting with patients. In none of the Indian laws that have been passed, the phrase is defined or even mentioned once. This article aims to describe the fundamental aspects of "medical negligence". Additionally, this article is meant to enlighten rather than debate the complex problems raised by the topic. Instead of being an exhaustive list of authorities, this article is informative and the methodology used is descriptive. Outlining some of the medical negligence histories, the general effects of medical negligence are described at the beginning of this article, followed by an outline of the fundamental elements of medical negligence, a description of the obligations of doctors, some examples, and the legal minimum standards of care. The article then discusses the type of information that must be given to the patient for consultation and treatment before coming to a conclusion with a mention of the general advice that the Supreme Court issued for doctors to heed as a precaution and the guidelines it issued to protect doctors from harassment if criminally prosecuted. In the end it suggests that bringing awareness in people's mind will not only help the people of the LGBTQIA+ Community feel safe in the society but also help them be their true self and reduce mental health stressors. Key Words: Medical Negligence, Awareness, Homosexuality, Sexual Orientations, Mental Disorder

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