
Marine sand mining in Pantai Labu in 2008-2009 and 2017-2018 have drawn protests from the local community because they are detrimented. The impact of this marine sand mining results in environmental damage (degradation) of the coast such as abrasion and decreased productivity of marine fisheries due to declining water quality. This study aims to determine the current condition of sea water quality after sand mining in the area. From the results of research carried out it is known that the current condition of seawater quality decreases from before the presence of marine sand mining activities. This is known by looking at the results of water quality measurements that have been carried out by sand mining companies before sand mining activities are carried out. In this research, it is known that TSS contributes to the sea water pollution because the amount contained ranges from 169-186 mg/l and exceeds the quality standard stipulated in Minister of Environment Decree No. 51/2004 concerning Sea Water Quality Standards for Marine Biota, which is 80 mg/l. Seawaters quality parameter test results with the Storet Method concluded that the seawaters of Pantai Labu are now classified as good (lightly polluted). With the Shannon-Weaner analysis, the plankton diversity index in seawaters of Pantai Labu classified in medium diversity, the spread of the numbers of individuals of each type is medium.

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