
The purpose of this study is to test The Impact of Leadership Styles on the Organizational Change Areas (An Empirical Study on the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies). Data for this research were collected through a questionnaire from, (240) leaders in all levels of management, from (5) pharmaceutical companies in Jordan, which are; (JPHM), (DADI), (HIKMA), (ACPH), and the (PIC). Grynbach constancy coefficients reached 84.0%, Percentages, Means, standard deviation, and, simple and multiple regressions analysis s were used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results indicate that, The Jordanian pharmaceutical companies (JPCs) practiced both types transformational and Transactional leadership, in different proportions. All the organizational change areas in the (JPCs) are possible, a strongly positive relationship between styles of leadership (transformational and Transactional) combined and the organizational change areas, Inspiration as one of the Transformational leadership elements is the less influential ,in addition to that there’s a variation impact on the organizational change areas for all the leader ship styles elements, transformational leadership does not affect on changes in human resources and job description, On the light of the study results the following recommendations may be submitted, More attention to the transformational leadership style to bring a long-term organizational change, without depends only on the transactional leadership, specially the incentive element, increased the enrichment knowledge of the departments leader through involvement in academic courses Encourage leaders, who have the qualities and skills possessed by transformational leadership style for the assumption Managerial positions in the (JPHs) and other recommendations.


  • Vol 9, No 8; 2014 the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies to show the extent of the impact of the use of leadership styles on the areas of the organizational changes in the Jordanian pharmaceutical companies

  • H1: There is an impact of the elements of Transactional leadership and transformational leadership (Charisma, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, and Inspiration) on the organizational change

  • (0.38), (T) value (5.87) with (0.000) significance, organizational structure where (B) is (0.29), (T) value (3.29) with (0.002) significance, human resource needs and job description where (B) is (0.24), (T) value (2.77) with (0.001) significance, on the light of this results we reject the null hypotheses and accept the alternative, There is an impact of the elements of the transformational and Transactional leadership on the organizational change areas (Changes in technology, organizational structure, and human resource needs and job description),except the non impact of the Transactional leadership on the change of human resource needs and job description

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The process of organizational change considered as a positive phenomenon, it may be used by most of the organizations for the aims of innovation, development, and to be still in good position in the labor market, which made a lot of interested people and researchers to focus on the organization and organizational behavior as well as a focus on organizational change, and many other related topics.The literature Administration has focused on different sets of areas of organizational change in this study it will be adoption of the technology, change in the organizational structure, and the change in human resources needs, and Job Description.In contrast, the Leadership Style followed and adopted by the various administrative levels in the managing of business organizations different from organization to other in light of a lot of factors and variables that are related to the nature of the work of those organizations (Kezar, 2011, p. 485).In addition to that the administrative literatures focused on different types of leadership styles, in this study the Researcher will considered the following leadership styles: transformational and transactional leadership style (Harris, 2012, p. 10).In this empirical study the researcher want to conduct the views of administrative leadership at various levels in www.ccsenet.org/ijbmInternational Journal of Business and ManagementVol 9, No 8; 2014 the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies to show the extent of the impact of the use of leadership styles (transformational and transactional leadership style) on the areas of the organizational changes (change in technology, change in the organizational structure, and change in human resources needs and Job Description) in the Jordanian pharmaceutical companies.In addition to the researcher desire to know which styles of leadership are the most commonly used by the leaders of the Jordanian pharmaceutical companies in various management levels, and which style is the most influential in organizational changing?. The literature Administration has focused on different sets of areas of organizational change in this study it will be adoption of the technology, change in the organizational structure, and the change in human resources needs, and Job Description. The Leadership Style followed and adopted by the various administrative levels in the managing of business organizations different from organization to other in light of a lot of factors and variables that are related to the nature of the work of those organizations Vol 9, No 8; 2014 the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies to show the extent of the impact of the use of leadership styles (transformational and transactional leadership style) on the areas of the organizational changes (change in technology, change in the organizational structure, and change in human resources needs and Job Description) in the Jordanian pharmaceutical companies.

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