
The efficacy of organisational effectiveness during the Fourth Industrial Revolution may have been hindered by prevailing leadership styles and management practices. Hence, it has been proposed that other theories, models, or approaches to leadership will be necessary for organisations to maintain competitiveness and achieve long-term success in a business environment that deviates dramatically from the norm for leaders. This essay posits that the application of Leadership 4.0 and novel management practices may hold significance within this particular context. This study investigated the influence of leadership 4.0 and modern management on the success of organisations during the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Qualitative research methodologies were employed to conduct desk research and obtain the findings. There exists a positive association between Leadership 4.0, creative management methods, and organisational performance capabilities. Numerous scholarly and practical deliberations have substantiated the significance of leadership, specifically Leadership 4.0, in effectively navigating the complexities and challenges posed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Furthermore, supplementary evidence was identified to substantiate theories pertaining to dependent leadership. The findings of this study have practical implications for companies as they validate the existing literature that highlights the crucial role of leadership in organisational performance, particularly for survival and long-term viability in the contemporary business landscape (4IR). The findings make a valuable contribution to the growing body of knowledge in the domains of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), leadership, creative management techniques, and research on organisational performance.

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