
Objectives: This study aims to identify through Complementary Law No. 150/2015 the impacts that the Labor Reform brought with Law No. 13,467 / 2017 for domestic employees. What will happen in the form of a literature review about this legal system and its impacts, based on bibliographic research with qualitative bias and exploratory purpose. Method: The methodology used in the article is bibliographic research on the subject. This study will be divided into topics, where it takes the form of a historical concept of domestic work based on Complementary Law No. 150/2015, the impacts brought by Law No. 13,467 / 2017 and finally, in the last topic will be explored rights that are not applied to domestic servants. Results: The results show that the new rights of the domestic worker and the financial condition of the employer is one of the determining elements for the formation of the bond to be formalized between the family and the domestic worker, with consequences on job security, as the employer will be at ease and confidence to the employee that he / she will be sure of his / her guaranteed rights the moment he / she develops his / her work activities. Conclusion: The Labor Reform could be improved, as the legislation is constantly changing, undergoing evolutions to specifically address each existing case, when the worker needs judicial support.

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