
INTRODUCTION:Marketing always has a mutual impact on economy - despite it is weak or strong. Interestingly, marketers may be positively or negatively affected by a strong or weak economy, and every on the contrary. Making lemons to be lemonade can be a type certain benefit of businesses in a weak economy-a strong economy can be negative for others. The bottom line: it pays to understand the market and the effect of the economy for them (Ali Hasan, 2015).It seems to be a standard of some communities that change must fush the new changes. The change of social lifestyle (either group or individual) is influenced by the development of knowledge and technology. This lifestyle has impacts in the change of social and economic behaviour both close to home and farther away. This behaviour is a spirit of the growth of tourism and rapidly developing along many interests such as business, education, tourism and social activities.The development of the Kasongan Creative Industries Marketing (KCIM) can influence the growth of other small businesses which produce goods or services related both directly or indirectly to local community. Small businesses which are related to tourism are: home industries, restaurants, food stalls, hotels, travel bureaux, transport, money changers, cultural attractions and other entertainment, individual services, households and tour guidesTourism is a new style of industry which is able to provide fast economic growth in job opportunities, income, living standards and activate other production sectors in the country being visited, in addition to having a social impact, such as knowledge transfer, technology improved, lifestyles, family patter ns, etc.The tourism sector caries an extensive scope for activity, therefore the contribution of tourism can be optimized by increasing the multiple effects or job, business opportunities and income distribution. The tourism sector has grown into an alternative sector which is capable of driving local construction when there are no other choices. The tourism sector, as a sector based on local potential (nature, culture, and service), growth 4.19%, or above the PDB growth average during 2009-2013 (Ardhika: 2014).Experts have formally divided the economic impacts resulting from touris m activities into three categories: Direct effects. Indirect effects and Induced: effects, with the direct effects sometimes referred to as primary effects and the indirect and induced effects known as secondary effects. The total economic effect of tourism is the amount of all these effects, where each of them can be measured as gross output or sales, income, employment and value added.In fact, tourism produces benefit for sales, profits, job fields, taxed earnings and the income of an area. The direct effects occurring in the sub sector of the primary tourism are; inns, restaurants, transport, entertainment and retailing. The second level happens in the secondary sub sector mostly influencing the economic sector. Therefore, the main problem this research is how will be kasongan creative industrial marketing impact to local community.The analysis of the economic effects of tourism activities focuses on the change of sales, income, and job placement in the areas which are subjected to tourism. This research studies the teal effects of the tourism shopping area of KCIM; how multiple economic and social variables happen in this 'home industry' area. However, the situation of KCIM as a tourism area especially as a provider of souvenirs which are quite famous among non domestic tourists and can be seen in these images.The importance of paying attention to the tourism sector attention which given is to tourism is exyensively spreading extensively due to an awareness of the benefits for the countries receive tourists at least in two effect in the following :A specially, according to Ali Hasan (2015) that direct effects of tourism creative industries for local communities as follows:1. …

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