
The main objective of the research is to analyze the role of job performance as an independent variable during the individual's well-being as a variable. The researcher chose the government colleges at the University of Dhi Qar, which included (Faculty of Medicine, College of Administration and Economics, College of Education for Sciences (Humanity), College of Education for Science (Pure), College of Arts, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Science, College of Science Computers and Mathematics, College of Agriculture, College of Law, College of Islamic Sciences, College of Mass Communication, College of Archeology, College of Nursing, Presidency of Dhi Qar University) a spatial sample to conduct the research in a sample size of (107) of college deans, assistant deans and heads of departments in these colleges. The study answered several questions that formed the research problem, perhaps the most prominent of which is the main question that stipulated the job performance of working individuals, and is there a role for the mediating variable represented in the individual’s well-being in strengthening this relationship? The importance of the current research emerges from the importance of its variables and from studies that emphasized the importance of verifying the relationship between those variables, in addition to the importance that these departments take into consideration with regard to the studied variables, in their quest to achieve outstanding levels of performance or desires similar to scientifically sound universities. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, which included revealing the nature of the relationship and influences between the variables of the study, the researcher adopted two sets of hypotheses, namely, the hypotheses of correlation, and the hypotheses of direct influence, and the hypotheses of indirect influence. The descriptive analytical approach to reach the objectives of the study and find answers to its questions and to test the hypotheses of the study, the researcher used many statistical methods, including the correlation coefficient (Pearson), structural equation modeling, and path analysis through statistical programs (AMOS V.26), (SPSS V 26). The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the important role that job performance plays through the role of individual well-being. The study came out with a set of recommendations that were built according to the theoretical and practical frameworks of the study

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