
Ionizing radiation (IR) activates several signaling pathways. This study shows the impact of acute low-dose IR on crucial cytokines involved in cell-mediated immunity. The immunomodulatory effects of 0.25 and 0.5 Gray (Gy) gamma rays and standard immunomodulatory drugs (cyclophosphamide) on blood counts and significant pro-inflammatory cytokines implicated in various inflammatory conditions were tested in 20 rats. Examined was the effect of acute low doses on critical cytokines, which could be utilized as an alternative to current immunosuppressive drugs. One day post-irradiation, serum levels of interferon-gamma (INF-γ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-2/1-beta were measured. A 0.25Gy exposure did not affect the detected cytokines or blood cell count compared to the nonirradiated group. On the other hand, 0.5Gy raises the majority of the immunologically examined cytokines except for INF-γ. Except for INF-γ, cyclophosphamide reduces all of the cytokines examined. As a result, low-dose IR has a less negative influence on essential inflammatory cytokines, permitting its use. More research is needed to determine how low amounts could be used in different immunological disorders.

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