
In cost benefit analysis of road safety countermeasures, all relevant effects on safety, travel time and environment have a substantial impact during economic appraisal. However, in the most widely used road safety appraisal tools such as SafetyAnalyst and International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), indirect effects related to travel time and environment are not considered. Most economic appraisal studies conducted for road safety countermeasures consider only the safety benefits and ignore the indirect benefits due to lack of models to evaluate them. This study attempts to document the quantitative impact of indirect benefits during economic appraisal of road safety infrastructure investments particularly from the angle of reduced crashes. To this effect, data from 9 European countries and the 20-year infrastructure improvement programme developed for the Netherlands are applied to demonstrate the impact of these indirect benefits through a quantitative study. The results show that indirect benefits increase the value of benefits by 7%, which improves the cost effectiveness of countermeasures. Consequently, the number of countermeasures selected for implementation are increased due to addition of these benefits. Travel time benefits constitute the largest share of indirect benefits with a contribution of 6% to the overall benefits due to countermeasure implementation. In conclusion, indirect benefits have a substantial impact on the computation of benefits and countermeasure selection process. In order to present improved business cases for road safety infrastructure investments, there is need to include these benefits during economic appraisal process. Travel time benefits have the highest portion of all indirect benefits compared to vehicle operating costs (VOCs) and emission benefits. The study recommends conducting more research related to travel time benefits due to countermeasure implementation.

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