
In this paper, the impact of increased levels of uranium and radium in soil on the levels of activity and radiation-hygienic validity of animal products of ruminants was investigated.Region around Livno town is placed on coal layer with the in creased levels of uranium and radium compared with other coals used in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result of mixing between coal matrix and soil, in creased value of average absorbed dose rate at 1 m above the ground (144 nGy h-1) was measured. The highest average value of 238U and 226Ra in the samples of animal products of ruminants was measured in the samples of sheep cheese (0.070 Bq kg-1 for 238U and 0.207 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra). The levels of these two radionuclides in the rest of animal product of ruminants were aproximatelly similar and ranged 0.016–0.046 Bq kg-1 for 238U and 0.028–0.080 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra. Levels of 40K were in the range of average values for animal products (31.2–86.4 Bq kg-1). Calculated annual effective dose by ingestion of the animal products of ruminants were approximatelly 0.064 mSv with the highest dose contribution of 40K (96.4%). On the base of obtained results, animal products of ruminants produced in observed region, can be considered as valid for human consumption from radiation-hygienic aspect.


  • On the base of obtained results, animal products of ruminants produced in observed region, can be considered as valid for human consumption from radiation-hygienic aspect

  • Obzirom na nisko procentualno uåeãñe ovih proizvoda u ukupnoj godiãnjoj konzumaciji populacije Novog Meksika, zakljuåeno je da poviãeni nivoi pomenutih radionuklida ne doprinose u znaåajnoj mjeri poviãenju ukupne efektivne doze ingestijom

  • Proseåna brzina apsorbovane doze zraåenja i proseåne aktivnosti ispitivanih radionuklida u uzorcima tla izmerene u okruæenju povrãinskog kopa rudnika mrkog uglja „Tuãnica-Drage” ukazale su na poviãene nivoe uranijuma i radijuma u podlozi ovoga podruåja

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Kratak sadræaj

U radu je istraæivan uticaj viãih nivoa uranijuma i radijuma u tlu na nivoe aktivnosti i radijaciono-higijensku ispravnost animalnih proizvoda preæivara sa podruåja Livna. Podruåje Livanjskog polja leæi na ugljenom sloju u kome su zabeleæeni neãto viãi nivoi uranijuma i radijuma u odnosu na ostale ugljeve koriãñene u Bosni i Hercegovini. Najviãe proseåne aktivnosti U i Ra u uzorcima animalnih proizvoda preæivara izmerene su u uzorcima. Procenjena godiãnja efektivna doza ingestijom animalnih proizvoda preæivara za odraslu populaciju na ovom podruåju iznosila je pribliæno 0,064 mSv sa najviãim doprinosom dozi od K (96,4%). Animalni proizvodi preæivara ovoga podruåja mogu se, sa radijaciono-higijenskog aspekta, smatrati ispravnim za ljudsku upotrebu. Kljuåne reåi: radijaciono-higijenska ispravnost, godiãnja efektivna doza ingestijom, animalni proizvodi preæivara

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