
Abstract Description of the result achieved by homeopathy in a pilot project in the treatment of schoolchildren with bruxism in public health in Blumenau, SC (Santa Catarina - Brazil). In parallel with the treatment of the main complaint of the dental patient, we sought to list other benefits obtained during the course of this project. The children were selected through a questionnaire addressed to the parents of students at the Adelaide Starke Municipal School, verifying cases of tightening and / or involuntary grinding of their children's teeth. Thereafter, their treatment started and lasted four months. It was a process of monthly consultations accompanied by homeopathic prescriptions according to the needs verified at the time. At the end of the period proposed in this study, favorable results were found in all children involved in the process, in addition to a remarkable influence of treatment on the quality of life of these patients. The data showed that homeopathy in school dentistry, in addition to solving or minimizing cases of bruxism, improved the relationship of children with their environment: school, social and domestic. Most respondents reported additional benefits such as improved sleep quality, the elimination of phobic crises, improved self-esteem and students' school report cards. Key messages Description of research carried out with children and adolescents attending a dental practice at a Brazilian public school submitted for four months to homeopathic treatment for bruxism. Benefits that homeopathic therapy.

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