
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore that the foundation of student success at university begins with a holistic and positive first-year experience (FYE). Existing literature provides ample evidence to indicate that there is a need for institutions of higher learning to undertake holistic and well-defined approaches that will successfully support the social, personal and academic needs of a diverse student population. These support mechanisms are especially crucial during the early weeks of the students’ first year, as it is intended to enhance their learning engagement and learning experience by providing a holistic first-year education that will ensure the retention of commencing students and increase the likelihood of degree completion. This study examines the impact of holistic education approaches on the learning experience of first-year business students. The conceptual framework for this study is based on a wide array of theory, including the work of Lizzio (2006) on the five ‘senses of success’. The study uses a specially designed questionnaire to elicit information pertaining to the factors impacting the first-year experience. The results of this study indicate that students appreciate the empowerment efforts of the faculty, which enhanced their first-year experience. It was found that the academics teaching the first-year business programmes utilized active teaching and learning methods, promoting interactive and creative learning environments that positively impacted on the students’ learning experience, and successfully supported their social, personal and academic needs. These methods included blended learning techniques and the use of X-Space classrooms, various hands-on projects (Fresh Mart, study trips, group assessments) and other student-centred activities and support mechanisms (support classes and orientation programmes). It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide institutions of higher learning a set of considerations for devising educational policies and practices that will successfully enhance students’ first-year experience (FYE).

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