
This study aimed to investigate the impact of health insurance on healthcare services in Ministry of Health hospitals in Dammam City from the perspective of health insurance beneficiaries. The study examined various aspects, including the integration of healthcare services, the reliability of healthcare services, responsiveness to healthcare services, the treatment by healthcare service providers, healthcare service procedures and systems, and healthcare service awareness. The study also aimed to determine the significance of differences in the impact of health insurance on the quality of healthcare services related to variables such as gender, age, income level, and educational qualifications. The study employed a descriptive-analytical approach, with a sample consisting of 250 individuals selected through convenient sampling from health insurance beneficiaries in Ministry of Health hospitals in Dammam City.The study found statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) positive impacts of health insurance on healthcare services in Ministry of Health hospitals in Dammam City in terms of integration of healthcare services, reliability of healthcare services, responsiveness to healthcare services, treatment by healthcare service providers, healthcare service procedures and systems, and healthcare service awareness. There were also statistically significant differences (α≤ 0.05) in the impact of health insurance on the quality of healthcare services related to gender (favoring males), monthly income (favoring those with monthly income less than 5000 Saudi Riyals), age (favoring individuals under 30 years old), and educational qualifications (favoring individuals with a high school diploma or lower).

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