
Conventional fuels produce large amounts of greenhouse gases leading to global warming and with it dramatic changes in the Arctic, especially for its top predator, the polar bear. The environment of polar bears will gradually be more affected and challenged. This literature review explores how climate change has impacted the diets and reproduction of polar bears, along with potential solutions to mitigate these effects. The loss of sea ice due to rising temperatures has led to a decline in the number of primary prey, forcing polar bears to hunt alternative prey, including reindeer, to survive. Furthermore, reduced sea ice is affecting the reproduction and survival of the polar bear population, with the decline in genetic diversity posing a threat to their long-term survival. To mitigate these effects, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting critical polar bear habitats, restoring and managing their habitats, and international collaboration and legal interventions are necessary. The implementation of these solutions will help to ensure the continued existence and thriving of this magnificent animal in the Arctic ecosystem.

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