
Symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) are bothersome to middle-aged and older women, and affect their quality of life (QoL), sexuality, and daily activities. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of vaginal symptoms and GSM on the well-being, functioning, and QoL of postmenopausal women from Spain. This study involved 423 postmenopausal women participating in the GENISSE study (a multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study) who presented at least 1 vaginal symptom. All women completed the "day-to-day impact of vaginal aging" (DIVA) questionnaire. Analysis of total scores and subdomains of the questionnaire were performed in women diagnosed with GSM and those without the condition. In these women, the highest mean scores on the DIVA questionnaire were found in the sexual functioning domain long version (mean 1.8; SD 1.0), followed by the sexual functioning domain short version (mean 1.7; SD 1.1), self-perception and body image (mean 1.4; SD 1.1), activities of daily living (mean 0.7; SD 0.8), and emotional well-being (mean 0.7; SD 0.8) scales. A total of 299 women (70.7%) had vaginal symptoms with a diagnosis of GSM, whereas 124 (29.3%) had no GSM diagnosis. Scores on the DIVA questionnaire were significantly higher in women with a diagnosis of GSM than in those without this condition. Vaginal symptoms impact the well-being, functioning, and QoL of postmenopausal women, especially sexual function, self-perception, and body image. This impact is significantly higher in women with GSM. Identifying and treating patients affected by vaginal symptoms and GSM may be beneficial for improving their QoL.

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