
This paper discussed strategies and solutions that are carried out related to technology equality, namely technology, must be used by all students and potentially supervised by parents, appropriate assessments, preparing enrichment modules, and other things that can enrich literacy. Before learning, some teachers negotiate with students regarding the agreement on using the platform used in learning. Many platforms can be used in online learning, so it can be unclear if they do not focus on a particular platform. In addition to negotiations, it also aims to ensure that all students can access the same technology to support distance learning. Self-regulation is also an effort if it turns out that parental involvement is very weak in the learning process. However, parental involvement in the child's learning process is a must. This study describes how gadgets (positive and negative impacts) impact the mental development of children of developing age in kindergarten and elementary school at the Prof Kadirun Yahya foundation. A qualitative approach research method in this research and be used to examine a condition of a natural object, the researcher as a key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (observation, interviews, documentation), and the results of qualitative research are to understand the meaning, uniqueness, construct phenomena, and find hypotheses. The results of this study are that the use of gadgets has an impact on the psychological development of elementary school children. In this study, five kindergarten children and five elementary school children who used gadgets with a duration of more than 2 hours per day experienced behavioral changes. The impact is positive; children; children are easy to find information about learning and make it easier to communicate with friends. However, the negative impact of gadgets affects psychological development, especially aspects of emotional growth and moral development. In emotional growth, children who use gadgets become irritable, rebellious, imitate behavior in gadgets, and talk to themselves on gadgets. While the effect on moral development impacts discipline, children become lazy to do anything, leave their obligations to worship, and reduce learning time due to playing games and watching YouTube too often. Keywords: Effect Technologies, Children, Impact Positive and Negative.

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