
This research aims to examine the impact of gadget use in early childhood school YPJ Tembagapura.The type of research used in this study is qualitative research. The sampling techniques used in this study used random sampling. Techniques for collecting data by observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study obtained by the authors divide into 2 (two) parts, namely positive impacts and negative impacts: The positive impacts include increasing children's knowledge, building and training children's creativity, facilitating communication, and expanding friendship networks. The use of gadgets should have helped children in their daily lives, especially in finding data and information to do schoolwork and as a means of entertainment from the features provided in the gadgets at this time Indonesia is facing Covid-19, so that the method Learning at Paud YPJ Tembagapura School online, where parents are obliged to facilitate children to use Gedget. While the negative impact, among others, children become dependent on gadgets, so that in carrying out all their life activities children become difficult to interact with the surrounding environment. Excessive use of gadgets can interfere with eye health, Fine Motor; Feet: (The nerve muscles of the feet are not trained so that children are tired faster to walk not far, feet become stiff, footrests / palms are less precise, feet easily hurt), Fine Motor Hands: The nerve muscles of the hands are not trained so: The muscles of the fingers limp / less strong, the muscles of the fingers are less strong, Children have difficulty making provisions to eat and drink, Children have difficulty opening the lid of markers / glue / , Children have difficulty cutting paper, Children have difficulty opening toy containers, Children do less activity / More done by parents), children become lazy to move and move and prefer to play with their gadgets rather than playing with friends.

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