
The influence of forest fires on the physico-chemical properties of sandy soils formed under pine plantations of the southern Taiga subzone in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El is shown. As a result of investigations of 4 soil sections, including 1 control and analysis of about 30 soil samples, soil parameters with the greatest and least variability were revealed. It was found that only the forest floor, which burned completely, with the formation of a specific Opir horizon, was exposed to a low forest fire, the upper mineral horizons have no signs of pyrogenicity. It was found that in the first post-fire year, the acidity in the upper soil horizons slightly increases compared to the control site, along with this, there is an increase in the amount of exchange bases and the degree of saturation with bases, the content of exchangeable potassium and loss indicators during calcination sharply decreases in forest litter. Regression equations are constructed on the basis of the revealed close relationships. It is concluded that, despite the absence of pyrogenic signs in the upper mineral horizons, their properties also change significantly under the influence of the combustion products embedded here together with the soil solution. To detail the data on the functioning of post-pyrogenic ecosystems, a long period of observations and scientific research is necessary.

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