
The fast technological and industrial changes of the last decade have led us to many inventions but in the same time it has led us to face an uncertain future. With many threats concerning the environment, economic crises, overpopulation, unemployment, the efforts of the governments have proven to be insufficient to overcome these destructive trends. The optimism for a better future lies on motivated individuals who are eager to make changes on the way we think, leave and behave. Social entrepreneurs are those people who have the talent, skill and vision to solve the problems we are all facing. Social entrepreneurs are those people that are not looking at the governments for immediate solution but they see the change in themselves. They see the success not in the financial balance sheets but in improving people's quality life. Certainly, the social economy is a sector which makes a substantial contribution to employment creation, sustainable growth and better wealth distribution. This system makes possible the combination of profitability with social inclusion and democratic system of governance. The aim of this paper is to give an overview to the methods that European Union is using to support Social Economy and Social Enterprises in the Czech Republic. The objective for this thesis will be to prove that Social Economy development would be beneficial for addressing social inclusion issues of disadvantageous groups by combining social and business approach. As the concept of Social economy is ambiguous and takes different interpretation this paper will focus on the Czech definition of Social Economy.

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