
From the ESG ratings information on A-share listed automotive businesses published from 2018 to 2022, regression analyses using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method were carried out for this company. The study explores how ESG disclosure affects business value in the car sector and experimentally examines the regression model. The study's conclusions show a strong positive influence between ESG disclosure and the worth of enterprises in the automotive sector. Therefore, the financial investment market supports companies with more ESG disclosure more strongly than those with lesser transparency. Through the correlation analysis, it is found that financial leverage and ESG are in negative influence, companies with more financial leverage will use their debt capital more frequently, and they can use lower costs to obtain funds for financial investment and ESG activities, which will increase the return on investment. However, businesses in poor financial condition do not have extra funds to care about ESG related operations. The body of information on ESG in the automobile industry is enriched by this study. It also discusses the effect of business profitability on ESG activities.

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