
The content of instagram account “Kulineratjeh” is about review or recommendations halal culinary tours in Banda Aceh and the types Aceh’s food typical. Instagram account “Kulineratjeh” is one of the media provider information for the halal foodies in Banda Aceh, so review and comments on instagram account “Kulineratjeh” can influence consumers in purchase intention. The new phenomenon is going on consumers halal foodies in Banda Aceh is before they visit cafe or restaurant, consumers looking for information and review from instagram account “Kulineratjeh” so The prospective consumer get Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) leading to do purchase intention.The phenomenon has caused E-WOM activity growing at instagram account “Kulineratjeh”. Promotion activity from e-WOM in instagram account “Kulineratjeh” and positif image as brand image instagram account “Kulineratjeh” where it can be seen from the types of food promoted is halal food in Banda aceh and surrounding make researches interested to do the research about the phenomenon the impact of e-WOM and brand image growing on instagram account “Kulineratjeh” to consumer purchase intention.The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of E-WOM to purchase intention through the brand image as a mediating variable. Data collection method is used questionnaire as instrumentand using non probability sampling method, sample in this reserach is 100 followers instagram account “Kulneratjeh”. The collected data was analyzed using SmartPLS 2.0 software.

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