
e16074 Background: The survival benefit of D in treatment of hormone refractory PC (HRPC) has been established in the TAX327 trial, but it is unclear how this benefit would translate in a heterogeneous population. This study sought to simulate the survival impact of D in a population of older pts with M1 PC on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Methods: A combination of TAX327 trial data and SEER-Medicare (SM) data were used. In pts age 69+ and randomized to D (every 3 weeks, D3P) or mitoxantrone (M), trial data showed a survival benefit for D. Accordingly, SM pts age 69+ diagnosed with M1 PC between 1994 and 2002 and receiving only ADT were selected. Graphical plots and statistical tests were used to find best-fitting parametric survival functions for D3P, M, and SM pts. The survival benefit for D was imposed on unadjusted and covariate-adjusted SM survival curves. The simulated benefit was assessed at 12 mos and 24 mos post-diagnosis of M1 PC in SM pts. Results: There were 326 TAX327 trial pts (D3P = 159, M = 167) used in the analysis. Median survival was 15.7 mos (12.6 - 19) in the M arm and 18.9 mos [17 - 21.8] in the D3P arm (p = 0.03). There were 3,515 SM pts, based on inclusion criteria. Median survival benefit of D was 3.2 mos based on Kaplan-Meier estimates and 2.4 mos using parametric curves in the TAX327 69+ group. Following covariate-adjustment in the SM sample, at 12 mos post-diagnosis, the median survival in mos was 61.7 (CI 36.3 - 87) in the ADT group and 62 (CI 37.6 - 87.1) in the simulated ADT+D group (i.e., 0.3 mos simulated benefit of D). A 0.8 mos simulated benefit was found if D was initiated 24 mos post diagnosis (in pts more likely to have HRPC). Conclusions: The survival benefit of docetaxel from the TAX327 trial is attenuated in a heterogeneous SEER-Medicare sample, and the simulated survival benefit is larger among patients who are more likely to have hormone refractory prostate cancer. [Table: see text]

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