
Padang City is disaster-prone area thanks to its location amongst four major tectonic plates of the world. As a disaster-prone area, both the central government and local governments keep attempting to reduce the disaster risk, which make people living in the West Coast Area of Padang City realize that they live in disaster prone areas. Spatial planning is important in disaster prone areas because it reduces of damage and victims when disaster strikes. This awareness not only brings positive impacts, but also the negative ones-one of which is the desire to move to a location they think safe. The objectives of the research is to analyze the influence of the desire to move the population in West Coastal area of Padang City that influence spatial planning, especially the spatial pattern contained in the 2010-2030 Padang City Spatial Plan (hereinafter called RTRW Kota Padang 2010-2030). Data analysis techniques used to answer the objectives of the study is the overlay analysis of disaster-prone maps and the desire to move as well as the spatial pattern of Padang City. The results of the analysis show that: 1) The desire to move of people in the West Coastal Area of Padang City has the potential to change the spatial pattern of Padang City in RTRW Kota Pandang in 2010-2030; and 2) the location of new settlement that became the destination of the movement was prone to landslide, earthquake, and flood.

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