
Relevance of the research topic. The relevance of this study is that the flip side of technological innovations and their implications in the digital society is of great importance because digitalization has flooded the world, and life, both social and individual, is determined by algorithms, bits, big data that help transform the physical world into the information world. The rapid changes that are taking place in our society are related to digital technologies that, on the one hand, are aimed at economic well-being and existance, and, on the other, from transforming consciousness into its mechanical or electronic equivalent, related to machine development of consciousness, nullifies technological progress, which is not put at the service of man. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the impact of digitalisation on changes in value orientations in today's digital society and to analyze the downside of technological innovation; analysis of the consequences in the digital society related to the formation of the digital society, the digital person, the digital culture and their impact on the person, his consciousness, worldview, culture, identity. The objectives of the study are: 1) to discover a model of thinking for the digital society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0; 2) to identify the conditions for the formation of digital society, digital culture in the context of theoretical and methodological foundations and substantiate the application of methods - axiological, synergistic, necessary for deep insight into the essence of these phenomena; 3) to identify digital innovations - from biotechnology to artificial intelligence, which are redefining what it means to human in the digital age and what are its value orientations. The result of the study. The model of thinking, which underlies certain digital orientations for the formation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is revealed. The conditions of formation of digital society, digital person, digital culture that influence changes in orientations are revealed. The used methodology is justified - a set of methods of axiological, synergistic, cultural, necessary for deep penetration into the essence of these phenomena. Revolutionary innovations (from biotechnology to artificial intelligence) have been identified, which are redefining what it means to be in the digital age. The practical value of the study is that the concept of digital society has transformed the way values are created and has completely changed the world, people's perceptions of themselves, their relationship to one another, and interaction with the natural world.


  • The problem of the flip side of technological innovation and its implications in the digital society is of greater importance in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0, as we live in a digital age that drives algorithms, bits, big data, reformatting the physical world into the digital, electronic [3]

  • The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the impact of digitalization on changes in value orientations in today's digital society and to analyze the downside of technological innovation; analysis of the consequences in the digital society related to the formation of the digital society, the digital person, the digital culture and their impact on the person, his consciousness, worldview, culture, identity [9]

  • Objectives of the study: 1) to unveil a thinking model for digital society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0; 2)to identify the conditions for the formation of digital society, digital culture; 3) to find out the nature of the new intellectual capitalism based on information, knowledge, information and communication and computer technologies Research methodology

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The advanced technologies that are the engines of the Fourth Industrial

Revolution 4.0 as a digital revolution, in particular relying on the capabilities and achievements of the Third. Objectives of the study: 1) to unveil a thinking model for digital society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0; 2)to identify the conditions for the formation of digital society, digital culture; 3) to find out the nature of the new intellectual (cognitive) capitalism based on information, knowledge, information and communication and computer technologies Research methodology. Comes from the multifaceted discovery of the digital world, which is gaining momentum, as our eyes are witnessing major revolutionary changes in all spheres of human life that change ways of working and interacting [19] These changes are happening rapidly because the whole world is evolving not in a geometric but linear dimension that requires systematic and structured thinking, flexible management, systematization of information, cognitive restart, rapid response to changes in society and immediate decision making. The fourth industrial revolution is shaping the values of the digital society, the digital personality, the digital consciousness and outlook determined by the development of ICT, which has the potential to boost economic growth and productivity.

Society and the Fourth Industrial
The impact of the Fourth
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