
The present work is the result of a bibliographic research, based on the discussion about the effectiveness of the use of digital media in the classroom, promoting comparative relations with the current reality and exposing some primordial media resources to enhance the school teaching process of the Digital Generation. The purpose was the analog realization of how learning was transmitted to the students of the past, establishing a reflection of how it is given to the transmission of knowledge in contemporary times, evidencing that the education of the XXI century, has advanced significantly with the advent and influences related to the use of the New Digital Technologies based on the challenge of educating the generation born in the Digital Age. The methodological procedure covered the writings and analysis of scientific articles through a critical reflection on the generation of Screenagers and Education.The bibliographic investigation provided the expansion of knowledge on the subject, supported by authors who address the teaching-learning process mediated by the New Digital Technologies, demonstrating the possibilities and limits of using digital technologies in school as a pedagogical resource in the generation of the Digital Age, contributing to a quality and transformative teaching..

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