
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of digital currency transaction variables on the demand for money in Indonesia. The data used are data on the volume of mobile banking transactions, internet banking, interest rates, the level of currency fluctuations, and inflation on the demand for money for the period 2013 to 2022. Data analysis uses Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration method. The results of regression testing can be concluded that the long-term relationship is valid. In addition, using CUSUM and CUSUMQ from the quadratic test, the demand for money in Indonesia is relatively stable using the narrow definition of money, it implies that there haven't been significant and persistent shifts in either the mean or the variance of the narrow money supply. A stable demand for money suggests that the economic agents in Indonesia, such as households and businesses, are not undergoing substantial changes in their preferences or behaviors related to holding money. This stability can have implications for monetary policy and economic planning, as it indicates a certain level of predictability in the demand for money. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that economic conditions and factors influencing the demand for money can change over time. Therefore, continuous monitoring and periodic reassessment of the stability of the demand for money are necessary for accurate economic analysis and policy formulation.

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