
The University of Mosul in Iraq conducted the experiment in a plastic greenhouse run by the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design at the College of Agriculture and Forestry. For 1/2/2022 – 1/6/2022. To find out what happens to semi-hardwood cuttings of three olive varieties Hojiblanca, Picual, and Arbequina—when they are taken five times a month from February to June and then soaked for 5 seconds in three concentrations of IBA solution (0, 3000, and 5000 mg l-1) to see how well they root and grow. The cuts that were taken on March 1 had the most leaves, the most leaf area, and the longest roots per cutting. Cuttings that were soaked in 3000 mg l-1 and 5000 mg l-1 took root faster and had longer roots. Soaking in 5000 mg L-1 increased the leaf area of rooted cutting. Picual and Arbequina cuttings rooted less often and had shorter roots than Hojiblanca cuttings. In terms of longevity and leaf count, Hojiblanca cuttings did better than Arbequina cuttings. Cuttings of Hojiblanca and Picual had more leaves, cuttings that had grown roots, and roots than cuttings of Arbequina. However, Hojiblanca cultivar collected on March 1st treated with 5000 mg.l-1 gave 60.00%, 27.80 leaf cutting-1, 1.32 cm2, 36.51 cm2 cutting-1, 14.27cm. Hojiblanca cultivar cuttings treated with 3000 mg.l-1 had 11.61 root cutting-1. The Picual olive control treatment had the highest survival rate (63.33%) on March 1.

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