
Globally, government enforced lockdowns were one measure introduced to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. The impact of these social movement restrictions on victims of sexual assault and their access of sexual assault services needed clarity. This study aimed to understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on: Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC) attendance; characteristics of clients; characteristics of alleged perpetrators and nature of sexual assaults. Routinely collected data from the Saint Mary's SARC in the North West of England over two financial years, April 2019–March 2020 (pre-COVID-19) and April 2020–March 2021 (during COVID-19), were analysed. Compared to the pre COVID-19 year, monthly SARC attendance for children and adults decreased during national lockdowns and increased as restrictions lifted. Ethnicity of clients was significantly different during COVID-19 with more South Asian adults and more bi-racial children attending. Attendance of adults aged over 57 years also significantly increased during COVID-19. A significant increase in adults meeting alleged perpetrators online and a significant decrease in alleged perpetrators being a sex worker client were also identified. Finally, a significant increase in not-recorded data for health characteristics of adult and child clients was noted. While this study has illuminated some changes in the vulnerability profile of clients attending SARC during COVID-19 and its associated lockdowns, it has also highlighted shortcomings in changes to usual care introduced in the challenging and changing context of a global pandemic. These findings in parallel usefully recommend areas in need of service improvement.

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