
Background: Women’s health concerns are associated with the female reproductive system, breast and otherphysiological structures. Contraception was a deliberate and willful selection of contraceptive methods. InEgypt, there is an increasing trend of using contraception to regulate births due to recent awareness ofcontraception. However; having insufficient knowledge about use of contraceptives would be more riskyand its prolonged use sometimes results in various health problems. Aim was to reveal the prevalence ofcontraception use in rural area of Minia governorate and study the most common health problems amonguser as compared to non-users. Methodology: cross sectional community based study conducted among 564rural married women in reproductive age during the period from November 2018 to May 2019. Results:Nearly 69.1% of women were currently using a contraceptive method, 142 (25.2%) never previouslyuse contraception and 32 (5.7%) discontinued. There were significant increase of health problem amongcurrently contraception user a compared to currently non user, majority (90.3%) of user complain menstrualirregularities compared to 24.1% of non-user (p=0.003* RR=29.1), 64.1% had nausea compared to 28.1%among non-user with RR =6.3, hypertension (RR=5.5) Headache (RR=2.6) Heart burn (RR=3.3) hadsignificant increased relative risk. Conclusion: The present study illustrates that contraceptive methodshave important health impacts. Health states decrease the effectiveness of any method. Awareness should beenhanced by health education using mass media and counseling, male contraceptives should be introduced,medical free camps and contraceptive availability.

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