
The aim of this study is to critically examine from postcolonial point of view how the so called modern Christianity displaced the primitive Igbo religion ,its history and culture in the process of pacification by European powers as depicted in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. He attempted to understand both the merits and demerits of the culture. He even seems to show that a culture or religion which cannot change itself with time would obviously fall apart. For the Hypothetical statement of the study it is hold that the primitive Igbo history and culture was in a form of democratic and well balanced state which was not inferior to that of the colonizer. Different social and cultural traits of Igbo culture and its representation in Things Fall Apart is discussed in this study. Given the chance, the Igbos could have developed equally to a 'modern' and evolved culture and religion in due time. The modern European cultures were also primitive in their past. They have developed in course of time only with different degrees. But it must be remembered that the 'modernity' associated with ‘Christianity’ is mostly for material progress. Any nation, culture or religion may get advantages for such material progress. But the imposition of developed race’s religion over other less developed races is definitely unjust. The Igbo thought to protect their religion and way of life but could not do so mostly for the pacification of the colonizers. but their inner drawbacks also contribute to their falling apart.

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