
AbstractThe rapid economic development of countries, construction and transport, contributing to an increase in the consumption of petroleum products, seriously affects the urban ecological balance. Large cities located in hot regions have the most extreme environmental conditions. The growth of modern high-rise buildings and the use of urban transport significantly pollute the air basin of cities. At high temperatures characteristic of southern cities, the pollution of urban space is the most noticeable. The article analyzes the ecology of hot cities in Russia. The most polluted areas of cities with the concentration of pollutants exceeding the permissible limits due to lack of air exchange have been identified. The role of air flows of thermal origin in the aeration of yard spaces has been determined. Using the example of a nine-story residential building in the city of Volgograd, the formation of air flows of thermal origin was analyzed. The paper presents a graph of field measurements of the speed of convective flows near the facades of the building at different times of the daylight hours, the regulation of which can help improve the ecology of urban areas.KeywordsEnvironmentAgricultural studyClimateHot cities in Russia

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